Wednesday, March 9, 2011

7 Principles of Health

Don's extensive research has resulted in his 7 Principles of Health.  Adhere to these Principles and see how much better you feel.

Whether you call the nutritional components of the brain/nervous system foods:  Botanical Nervines, Ortho-Molecular Infusions, or any of the other made up Latin names for purposes of sound “scientific”, it’s still as simple as eating common whole foods that support your body’s Autogenic Self Healing System.  At the end of the day, most, if not all, psychiatric disorders are due to significant deficiencies in key nutrients that are present in whole foods.  Nerve disorders are healed and re-missed in the same way.  Embracing the 7 Principles of Health allows healing to naturally occur.

The 7 Principles of Health that lead to the Gift of Sleep, Dreams, Imagination and Creativity, Intuition and Supra-Luminal Enlightened Recall of the Past and Future Events:

1.  Breathing fresh circulating air;
2.  Fresh clean water;
3.  Sunshine;
4.  Walking/movement (life is movement);
5.  Whole foods (especially local, fresh, in season);
6.  Loving touching (non-toxic) relationships;
7.  Passion, pleasure in all you do…creating a sense of gratitude for being alive.

Excerpt from FDR #3 pp 28

To own yours, CLICK HERE.  You can also hear Don speak about this and many other subjects on the DVD: “Health: Remembering the Lost Truths”.

For you proud FDR #3 owners, check out “Brain/Nervous System” section.

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