Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tips to Start Fasting

FastingThe word 'fasting' can be somewhat scary, intimidating & even overwhelming.  No worries!  You can do it!  Start out slow & easy.  Start with just one day of fasting.  Fast just the one day a month.  Then, as you & your body adjust to this new (to you) way of life, add another day or so.   A fast can be as short as one day or several days.  Don has fasted as many as 40 days on water alone.  You may not choose to fast that long or just on water, but you get the idea.  The important thing is to listen to your own body.

Simple tips to get your started:
  1. Try a mono diet - eating just one food; also, Don-recommended as a method to overcome food allergies - you could eat Don's Colon Cleanse Fiber Blend
  2. Drink fresh juices - fruit or vegetable, even combinations - vegetables having a lower sugar content
  3. Drink green smoothies - full of lovely leafy greens - check out two of our loyal readers' recipes:  Tim's Smoothies or Anthony's Green Smoothie
  4. Eat raw whole foods - #5 of Don's 7 Principles of Health: fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables
  5. Eat Don's Authentic Pulse - a nature-rich meal of fruit, nuts & grains (back to the raw whole foods concept)
  6. Delay your "break-fast" (get it?) by three or four hours
  7. Drink hot soup or broth
Just try one day of fasting and see how you feel.  Keep in mind that the first day of any new routine (dare we say "habit"?) is the hardest!  Your body will rebel with much first.  It will thank you later, though.  If you're up for it, extend your fast another day.  If not, try again in a week or a month.

Once you've tried your first fast, come back & leave us a comment about your experience.  Feel free to comment no matter how experienced/inexperienced you are at fasting.  Someone else may need your words of encouragement.

Be sure to read our articles about fasting as listed below to learn of the many health benefits of fasting.

For more on fasting, read Don's FDR Vol 1 pp 390 - 394

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