Don't make the mistake that so many do: rushing off to the medical doctor at the first sign of illness. Instead learn to listen to your body. It's trying to tell you something.
“Symptoms are not something “wrong” with the body! Symptoms are what’s “right” with the body!!
Symptoms represent the efforts of the body’s intelligence (its mind, if you will) in the self-healing autogenic system to defend, cleanse and heal itself from a variety of infective agents, toxic sludge, and/or stresses. The body/mind intelligence creates fever, inflammation, pain, discharge, nausea or whatever is necessary in order to heal itself of the offense.
Medical science today is slowly, but, increasingly recognizing symptoms as adaptive responses of the body to a cause. Standard tests of pathology define the process of inflammation as the manner in which the body seeks to wall off, heat up, and burn out infective agents or foreign matter. The cough has long been known as a protective mechanism for clearing breathing passages. Diarrhea has been shown to be a defensive effort of the body to remove pathogens or irritants more quickly from the colon. Discharges are understood as the body’s way of ridding itself of dead bacteria, viruses, and damaged or spent cells. Even high blood pressure is an important defense and adaptation to the internal and external stresses that a person experiences.”
So listen up! Your body's talking! Remember: the medical doctors are still 'practicing', but your body is the expert on what's going on internally.
Excerpt from Farmacist Desk Reference Vol. I pp 32
Proud FDR owners, for more details check out the section on “Wisdom’s Symptoms”.
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